2 Tools 4 DS

Peculiar light before th storm


I am always trying new tools for Digital Storytelling, an I am particularly interested in trying out different i Pad aps. This one is called SonicPics.


I took photographs I took on our President’s Day 2012 getaway to Bandon, OR. I arranged them and titled them. Then the ap prompted me to record as I moved through the slide show of images. That created a video I was able to send to You Tube. I am placing it here, but I am not happy with it right now because the audio and visuals didn’t synchronize when it moved from the i pad to You Tube.

This was my first time, so there are two misspellings and a general air of one figuring out an ap for the first time, but over all, I like THE CONCEPT of it a lot.

It reminds me of when I was a kid.

My dad was a photographer, a very serious art photographer back in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. He would raise one of those old pop up screens in the front room (pre television!) and narrate his show while the whole family watched and absorbed his aesthetic, which I feel is very much revealed in this slide show of mine.

The second way I tried to create this slide show was to put a slide show together using

5 thoughts on “2 Tools 4 DS

  1. Ross Lukeman says:

    It’s good to see some experimentation with different video methods. I liked the one set to music, as it allowed me to take in the photos more. I loved seeing the photos of the Oregon coast, it is such a beautiful place.

    1. Sandy Brown Jensen says:

      Ross, have you been talking to my Mom? She agrees! Thanks for popping in on my experimental day!

  2. Jeannie Chapman says:

    Great info, Sandy. You are moving me even closer to that IPad!
    I also created an IPhoto slideshow for my MacOS class last year with photos from my Italian trip, and set it to La Boheme (Pavaratti). As I remember, it took a bit of reorganization to synch the photos up to the appropriate emotion of different points in the song, but I was pleased with the overall show. However, I was fortunate to time the slideshow with a rather long piece of music: just over 4 minutes. This seemed to be a good length for engaging the interest of viewers without being too much, leaving them wishing there was just a few slides more.
    I personally found the title and credits slides to be the most frustrating.
    I enjoyed your video. It was engaging and left me feeling that I’d been there. It reminded me how much I love the beach.

    1. Sandy Brown Jensen says:

      Thanks Jeannie. I completely agree and advocate for the three minute story. This is seven, way too long, but as I said, experimental. I will do my next ones quite deliberately aimed for three minutes. Thanks for putting up with my experimentations!

  3. Ailene says:

    I think the voice over is really the heart of digital story telling. I also felt like I went to the beach after watching the slide show with you narrating. I hoe you believe me when I say that I normally don’t enjoy looking at photos of friends vacations. Yours was engaging, interesting and even at 7 minutes it kept my attention. I like your experiments!


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