In Winter, Who is it For?
Over the top joy, my lungs full of oxygen rich air, my ears full of the sound of running water… … Continue reading…In Winter, Who is it For?
My Journey in Image, Word, and Video: Sandy Brown Jensen
Over the top joy, my lungs full of oxygen rich air, my ears full of the sound of running water… … Continue reading…In Winter, Who is it For?
“My soul is an old growth forest.” … Continue reading…A Mind in the Forest
PHOTOGRAPH Shallow stories? Those don’t exist. Under Every lily pad on the surface, The long stem of the rest of the story Is being told in a wavering green light.
Shallow stories?
Those don’t exist. … Continue reading…Photograph: Two poems and a videoito
In the homestead orchard, a cascade of frozen yellow apples glows gold against the darkening stands of fir: I’ve never felt so wise nor so old. A sister tree tumbles