An Hour at Ophir

In mid-June 2016, my husband Peter and I along with an artist friend, Charlie Johnston, spent a week at the Chetco River Inn. It is about twenty miles up the Chetco River outside Brookings, Oregon, which is on the border with California.

The light was just downright peculiar when we arrived at Ophir Beach in the afternoon around 4:00 pm.
The light was just downright peculiar when we arrived at Ophir Beach in the afternoon around 4:00 pm.

As I often do, I decided to make a series of daily journal videoitos aka digital stories. The first in this series of five is on the Oregon Coast at Ophir Beach before turning inland. I was intrigued by the strange quality of the waves and the afternoon light, which was in high contrast down on the beach. The sky itself was at first a watercolorist’s gray wash and then magically the sky cleared and became a new, intense blue.

Little cloud in a mackerel sky at Ophir Beach. That scrim of cloud probably accounted for the weird light earlier.
Little cloud in a mackerel sky at Ophir Beach. That scrim of cloud probably accounted for the weird light earlier.
Ophir_from 101
Ophir Beach from Highway 101 as the sky is starting to clear. My camera is still stopping down to cut the high contrast, which creates its own kind of alternative universe feel to the photograph.


2 thoughts on “An Hour at Ophir

  1. John Clinton Gray says:

    Your photography always takes me with you, Sandy.

    1. Sandy Brown Jensen says:

      Who can ask for more in writing or images?
      Thanks for stopping by!


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