Rainbow Eye

“The Daily Creative is an exercise in the continual practice of spontaneous creativity through short exercises. Each ‘assignment’ should take no more than 15-20 minutes. There are no registrations, no prizes, just a community of people producing art daily.”

I went out for my five mile walk along the Willamette River on a very rare day in the south Willamette Valley, in that there was a skiff of snow on the ground. The first closeup I took was of the bench on the Greenway Pedestrian Bridge, which is “an easily recognizable, common object.”

Close-up of snow on the viewing bench on the Greenway Bridge looking south upstream the Willamette River. What I like is the strong barred pattern contrasted to the fine, lacy texture of the snowflakes,


Then I got the idea to turn the camera on my iPad2 onto myself to see how much of a close-up I could get of my own eye. It was scary! I decided to make a spiritual, Eugene-type comment by tie-dying the image with rainbow colors.

My Rainbow Eye,both familiar and strange
My Rainbow Eye, both familiar and strange

I posted this picture on Flickr and really enjoyed this exchange (no, I don’t know Dr. Garcia):

My Rainbow Eye: Familiar and Strange
  • @DrGarciasaid:

    I love the life this photo captures. It’s at once energetic and contemplative. I especially like the nose area. It looks like the bridge of an elephant trunk, in the nicest way.
  • You said:

1 thought on “Rainbow Eye

  1. Catherine Mullins says:

    This is such a fun blog. I’ve been having a ball exploring it. I wanted to post this picture of your doppleganger underneath your photo in the “About Me” section of your blog but, A: You don’t have a response section there and B: This picture is copyrighted. So, alas, in a much less visually stunning manner I’ll have to give a link to the photo here underneath your rainbow eye. http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=991&bih=530&tbm=isch&tbnid=pAmG2-53tJt5PM:&imgrefurl=http://www.myroundaboutblog.com/%3Ftag%3Dcarrie-fisher&docid=T3muKjKly1kZrM&imgurl=http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/11/22/article-1088513-0289CE2D000005DC-747_468x468.jpg&w=468&h=468&ei=woYcT4fgGMPWiALMvoWrCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=577&vpy=156&dur=3399&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=101&ty=158&sig=107490432092526114441&page=8&tbnh=165&tbnw=154&start=111&ndsp=17&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:111
    You might also be interested to know in another similarity to you that dear Carrie is a published author. she wrote the novel–and I believe the screenplay– “Postcards from the Edge”, as well as the play “Wishful Drinking”. I look forward to getting to know both you and your blog better.


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