The Dreaming


Then on Tuesday, I hiked with a friend and a guide up to Cascadia Cave, a 6000 year old rock art and native ceremony site.

7 thoughts on “The Dreaming

  1. Rose Meeker says:

    Really touching!

    I love the way you frame these adventures, giving transcendence and the poignancy of ancient meaning.

    A tear shared… thank you.

  2. Stan Grindstaff says:

    Sandy SANDY you YOU are master of your craft… Brother Larry thanks you for continuing to dream him… Color & image & music & voice blend in this dreamscape… Haunting & resonant–lingering…

  3. Cheryl Renee along says:

    I find that I am adding many faces – kal, Ernie, grandma Ellen. With t
    You we all dream together, the living, the deceased. The past and the future blends with the present. A lovely tribute to mom who parented so mystically. I deeply enjoyed your voice and every image. You are a magician.

  4. Deanna Pumplin says:

    “What did you dream?” has many implications. Thank you for this, yes, ‘haunting’ piece. It’s opened possibilities for me. More than ever I want to read “Dream of the Earth” (I think that’s the title.) I feel this question calling me to more intention and accountability and gratitude…with more attention to the subconscious…more attention to conscious choice.

  5. Don Hynes says:

    This one’s a gem Sandy. I love the weave of dream time and “now” and how you honor so much with image and word.

  6. Cheryl Renee Long says:

    No wonder I am having such amazing dreams lately. The elders are asking me. I am on notice, just as you are. I look at the faces of those that transitioned before us – mission completed. We carry a bit of each one of them forward on our particular journey.
    And now I take this deep and nourishing message from you, I put in in my quiver and I turn my face to Oaxaca and Tepotzlan. Almost to Central America. This is the fulfillment of marching orders, a promise that I made as a senior in high school. Not a promise to myself but to a higher point. Our elders, visible and invisible.

  7. Ashley Abbott says:

    This is my favorite so far! I have done extensive research on the Native American tribes of Oregon and this so reminds me of their spiritual beliefs. The beliefs they have that all things are living and that their dreams are sign from those spirits. Such a beautiful belief and such a beautiful Digital Story. I so enjoyed it. The footage was gorgeous. The hot air balloons over the Willamette were so beautiful. It reminds me of the festival they have in Tigard oregon every year, what a sight to behold! And the part about the elders really stuck with me too. I am an 1/8 Native American. Black foot and Cherokee mix. I believe they would see this Digital story to be very honoring of the elders you speak of!


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