Remix Madness!

This is my remix of an image of the author Cory Doctorow, who is famous for releasing his novels under a Creative Commons license. The quote is his, the image is of him; the backlit tree and the flying crow are mine. I used iPad apps: first Bazaart, then B&W HD, then Title FX, for them what are interested in such.

First of all. I have to remind myself that this blog is dedicated to reporting on learning everything I can about digital storytelling in all its definitions. To do this, I follow an online class open to the internet called DS (for Digital Storytellling) 106.

I often post the Daily Create challenges I do for that site.

However, I don’t often post my current thinking on topics that emerge, and I am about to change that. These posts won’t be for everybody, but I know there are a lot of my digital storytelling students following Mind on Fire who might be interested in what Lifelong Learning looks like.

Alan Levine, edugeek from Strawberry, Arizona, and one of the driving forces behind the DS 106 class, is currently challenging the heck out of my poor little not-so-post-modern brain by asking me/us/the class to consider the current culture of remix and mash-up art. To that end, I have been excessively informed by a four video series by Kirby Ferguson called Everything is a Remix.

Alan also posted some remixed videos on our assignment pages

2 thoughts on “Remix Madness!

  1. Merrill Watrous says:

    My favorite thing that you wrote is: “I always have time for art.” May it be forever so…

  2. Kinga Biro says:

    I would like to see Tom Hanks in “Castaway” exchange thoughts with Sandra Bullock in “Gravity”…both these characters had to use all their inner resources to deal with their seemingly hopeless isolated circumstances. That could be a meaningful mash-up…and no, I’m not going to try it; the entire process, well, boggles my mind, but I’ll watch with great interest as this new medium unfolds in your busy brain.


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