Chasing Butterflies

Today’s Daily Create assignment is:
Multitask! Make a video of you doing three or more tasks at the same time.

3 thoughts on “Chasing Butterflies

  1. Merrill says:

    I love that the three things you chose to do involved whimsy and happened outdoors!

  2. Brian Metcalfe says:

    Sandy … You are AMAZING! Your “Chasing Butterflies” video is so professional looking. How do you do it in the “15 minutes” that each Daily Create is supposed to take? 😉

    I know it is the “STORY” that is important and not the “software”, but I’m intrigued as to the mechanics and applications used. Of particular interest was your innovative and powerful credit footage. Have you just photo-shopped your phrases over an existing movie credit screen?

    I’m assuming that you have previous video footage that you are able to blend together to tell your powerful story.

    aTdHvAaNnKcSe for sharing your “behind the scenes” insights into your powerful creations.

    Take care & keep smiling 🙂 Brian

  3. maria says:

    Love the blend of the small, the simple and the grand – an inner and outer journey touchingly told.


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